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Workers’ Compensation Resource for Attorneys and Law Firms

If you’re an attorney who handles other kinds of cases and a client comes to you with a claim because of a workplace injury, you might not want to take on the workers’ compensation case, but you still want to help.

Or maybe you accepted a workers’ comp case and would like to refer it to a more experienced workers’ comp attorney. The reality is the fees available in these cases are lower than your typical tort case. To be cost effective, you need to know how the system works. If not, you’ll spend a lot of time and money – time and money that can be spent on the cases you normally handle.

Mitchell & Associates is available to accept referral cases in workers’ comp.

Dealing with the workers’ comp systems in Louisiana or Mississippi is a time-consuming project. Mitchell & Associates has extensive experience with these cases. With five attorneys who have practiced for as many as 20-plus years and a support staff that understands how to move files, we’re ready to help.

Sometimes, when a client has both personal injury and workers’ comp claims, we can fight to make sure they receive medical treatment for free under the workers’ comp rules.

As an attorney, you can serve as a helpful resource for your clients by connecting them with Mitchell & Associates for workers’ comp.